87.5% Improvement in Bench
Elevation Accuracy

A South American open-pit coal mine, demonstrating a massive annual production of approximately 32 million tons of thermic coal, shares how cutting-edge Modular technologies improved efficiency and reduced operational costs by targeting bench elevation control issues.


South America


Increase productivity by accurately controlling bench elevation


87.5% Improvement in bench elevation accuracy using the ProVision Machine Guidance system for loading equipment


Bench elevation control issues were the driving factor behind this customer’s decision to install the ProVision system. Like many mine sites, they had a high variability in compliance to planned bench elevation. In fact, the average deviation from plan was 3.22 meters (10.6 feet). This high variability
significantly increased usage of support equipment, blasting costs, shovel delays, and spotting times.


ProVision systems were installed on 6 shovels. Twelve staff members were fully trained on system usage, maximizing system utilization while allowing them to allocate, coordinate, and manage resources more efficiently.

Real World Results

Bench Elevation – Current vs. Planned
Shovel without ProVision System

An average of 3.22 meters (10.6 feet) was left behind on benches before the ProVision system was installed.

Bench Elevation – Current vs. Planned
Shovel with ProVision System

Bench accuracy improved to less than 40 cm variance (15.7 inches) using the ProVision system.

How the ProVision System for Loading Equipment Works

The ProVision Shovel System provides a real-time indicator of ore boundaries and shovel elevation against plan. Operators receive immediate warnings when the elevation is above or below the desired value set by the mine planning team, or when their material selection does not match the plan.

Other Benefits

In addition to directly improving bench elevation control, implementing the ProVision Shovel System also helped this customer:

  • Reduce spot time for haul trucks
  • Reduce drill navigation time
  • Reduce dozer cleanup time at loading areas
  • Reduce shovel stand-by time while waiting for cleanup
  • Reduce truck stand-by time and auxiliary equipment bench re-work during rainy shifts, due to proper elevation and water drainage at benches


In just three months time, this Modular customer experienced an 87.5% improvement in bench elevation variance through effective use of the ProVision shovel system. Bench accuracy improved to within 40 cm of plan, resulting in decreased spot time due to a more level loading area. More consistent bench grades also reduced drilling time for subsequent benches, decreased dozer cleanup time and increased shovel productivity through an overall reduction in bench maintenance.