Increase your mining productivity

Truck queues at load and dump locations, inefficient haul routes, operator inaccuracy, and short-term plan changes can threaten your mining productivity.

Rather than investing in expensive fleet expansions, realize a faster ROI by leveraging our advanced technology and expert support to maximize the productivity of your current fleet, or maintain your target productivity with a smaller fleet.

Minimize truck queues at load and dump locations

Improve your load cycle efficiency

Maximize your equipment utilization

Improve operator accuracy and adaptation to short-term changes

Optimize your haul route for any condition

Improve operator efficiency during inclement weather and at night

Improve your mining equipment efficiency

Optimize production with automated equipment assignments

Minimize truck queues at load and dump locations

Improve your load cycle efficiency


Cycle time reduction

System Used: ProVision Guided Spotting

Region: Africa

Commodity: Iron

Mining Challenge

Manually assigning and locking haulage units to loading units can result in truck queues and the potential for hanging shovels due to:

  • Increased load time as a result of the shovel digging into poorly-fragmented material
  • Inclement weather slowing trucks’ full and empty haul speeds
  • Unknown road conditions or events that reroute trucks to an already backed-up shovel

Hanging shovels can serve as a visual indicator to help haul truck operators know where to reverse to, but they also add valuable time to your load cycle.

While dual-side loading has the potential to increase productivity of both your trucks and shovels, some mines restrict this practice in an attempt to increase safety.

How We Solve It

  • DISPATCH Fleet Management System

    Dynamically assign haulage units to loading units

    • Dynamically assign haulage units to loading units based on a number of factors, including:
      • Material properties
      • Estimated arrival times
      • Fuel levels
      • Expected route of travel
      • Shovel priority
    • Improve real-time communications across your pit to increase equipment utilization and improve your load cycle efficiency
  • ProVision Machine Guidance System for drills

    Improve material fragmentation to increase shovel digability at the face

    • Increase the compliance to your drill patterns to reduce truck queueing by:
      • Refining your material fragmentation for improved shovel digability at the face
      • Minimizing delays and resulting truck queues at crushers due to improperly-fragmented material
  • ProVision Guided Spotting system

    Visually guide haul truck operators to the correct load spot the first time, without the need for a hanging bucket

    • Visually guide truck operators to the correct load spot on their first attempt
      • Minimize shovel hang time and truck re-spotting requirements
      • Increase frequency of dual-sided loading to improve productivity without decreasing operator safety
      • Increase your haulage and loading utilization
  • Argus Payload Management System

    Optimize your truck fleet with real-time feedback to the shovel operator.

    Argus can help to minimize truck queues during the load and haul cycle by giving the shovel operator real-time feedback.

    • By maximizing payload performance, it enables the highest efficiency of truck fleet potential by:
      • Decreasing cycle times
      • Improving truck target capacity

Maximize your Equipment Utilization

Improve operator accuracy and adaptation to short-term changes


Increase in truck loading efficiency

See Case Study


Region: S. Africa

Commodity: Coal

Mining Challenge

Factors such as commodity price fluctuations, pushbacks, strip ratio changes, and mill demands can change your operational objectives suddenly. These changes will often require relocating your mobile assets to new benches, which affects your mobile equipment utilization and your management of it.

Operator inaccuracy can also negatively impact your machine utilization and often requires time-consuming surveying and rework. Dozer operators unsure about their exact cutting location will commonly start and stop their push at the incorrect spot. Drill pattern inaccuracies are also a common source for lost equipment utilization and required rework.

How We Solve It

  • DISPATCH Fleet Management System

    Reassign equipment in real time

    • Leverage advanced optimization algorithms to reassign equipment as conditions require it
      • Dynamically assign haulage units to loading units based on material blend requirements, expected arrival/travel time, shovel priority, and other factors
      • Optimize shift change processes to increase equipment utilization
  • ProVision Machine Guidance system for dozers

    Minimize rework and maximize productivity

    • Maximize your dozer utilization and improve cycle times by minimizing push distance and subsequent material re-handling
    • Minimize rework through clear identification of the edge of coal or material to be cut and filled
    • Quickly communicate short-term plan changes to operators
  • ProVision Machine Guidance system for loading equipment

    Improve shovel utilization and elevation accuracy

    • Minimize uneven benches with intuitive elevation control
    • Gain a better understanding of previous and current shovel progress with real-time progress line updates
    • Improve shovel utilization and reduce your reliance on survey teams through  clear material delineation visuals
    • Quickly communicate short-term plan changes to operators
  • ProVision Machine Guidance system for drills

    Improve drill pattern accuracy and timeliness on pattern

    • Leverage high-precision guidance to accurately navigate your drill operators to each hole
    • Display real-time depth and angle of your current drilling process, relative to target, to decrease your operators’ time on pattern
    • Automatically feed drill pattern data back to mine planning software to update your short-term plan faster
    • Provide supervisors and management with visibility into drilling processes and accuracy
  • Argus Payload Management System

    Maximize shovel productivity and payload compliance.

    Argus improves shovel utilization by ensuring every truck is being loaded with the optimal payload using:

    • RFID tags that visualize to the shovel operator, truck ID and payload capacity
    • Real-time bucket by bucket payload information displayed in-cab
  • Pegasys Dragline Monitoring System

    Minimize re-work and re-handling with mine plan compliance to maximize productivity

    Once your dragline has moved on, going back to correct an error can be a costly exercise, resulting in lost production and time.

    • The Digital Terrain Mapping module helps ensures the operator is digging to plan the first time by providing:
      • 2/3D visual display of actual terrain vs. plan delivered with colour coding showing actual terrain to design.
      • Continuous pit terrain data to allow mine personnel to monitor the construction of benches, ramps and exposure of coal in the pits.
    • Guides the digging and dumping process
    • Helps reduces under and over digging of benches, batters and ramps
    • Helps reduces over digging of the high and low wall while reducing the risk of slumping

Optimize your Haul Route for Any Condition

Improve operator efficiency during inclement weather and at night


Average night-shift production increase

See Case Study


Region: United States

Commodity: Coal

Mining Challenge

Inclement weather and night-time operations can complicate your haul route and make it difficult to hit your production targets. Icy ramps and roads can slow your haul trucks, while pooling water in loading areas can make drainage difficult if you don’t have the proper grade control.

“Locking” your haulage units to shovel units can also limit your haul route efficiency and overall mining productivity; this limitation can compound significantly when working with less-experienced dispatchers or at night.

How We Solve It

  • DISPATCH Fleet Management System

    Optimize haul cycle with Haul Cycle Automation module

    • Enable the assignment of haul trucks to different routes if specific ramps or roads are too dangerous to maneuver safely
    • Assign additional trucks to your circuit to compensate for slowing as a result of inclement weather or icy ramps
    • “Unlock” your equipment assignments in all shifts to equalize night- and day-time performance
  • ProVision Machine Guidance system for dozers

    Improve water drainage and ramp elevation accuracy

    • Improve bench grade management to improve water drainage around loading units by implementing a small slope on the bench
    • Take the guesswork out of ore or edge of coal identification, especially when operating at night, to minimize rework
    • Improve ramp elevation accuracy and evenness to improve truck mobility in inclement weather
  • ProVision Guided Spotting system

    Equalize operator performance in adverse conditions

    • Improve truck spotting accuracy, especially in limited visibility
      • Eliminate reliance on hanging bucket, flag, ball, or other visual indicators, which are often difficult to see in harsh weather or at night
      • Eliminate visibility issues associated with camera-based systems, which are often useless in inclement weather
  • ProVision Machine Guidance system for drills

    Improve operator accuracy during night operations or in poor-visibility situations

    • Eliminate operator disorientation during night operations or in poor-visibility situations with high-precision guidance to each hole
    • Provide visibility into your drill pattern accuracy for management and reporting purposes

Improve Your Mining Equipment Efficiency

Optimize production with automated equipment assignments


More material moved

See Case Study


Region: North America

Commodity: Copper

Mining Challenge

It is not uncommon for support dozer operators to spend a significant amount of active time in a wait status or performing rework. Additional rework by your loading equipment operators and re-drilling requirements all contribute unnecessary time to your cycle.

Your equipment efficiency is also significantly limited if your assets aren’t running at their optimal performance. If your maintenance team can’t immediately address an asset’s first detectable sign of a component failure, you will eventually risk total failure, resulting in subsequent replacement costs and downtime/lost production.

How We Solve It

  • ProVision Machine Guidance system for loading equipment

    Achieve accurate bench, road, and ramp elevation the first time

    • Leverage high-precision accuracy to achieve accurate bench accuracy and minimize rework
      • Help your shovel operators achieve and maintain target elevation through intuitive elevation control visuals
      • Improve the visibility of your shovel’s progress with real-time progress line updates
  • ProVision Machine Guidance system for drills

    Increase compliance to your drill pattern to minimize re-drilling and improve fragmentation

    • Increase the compliance to your drill patterns to minimize re-drilling and optimize your time on pattern
      • Improve your equipment efficiency by minimizing re-position needs through precise navigation to the next hole
      • Improve your operator efficiency by reducing survey requirements
    • Improve your fragmentation to increase your shovels’ digability at the face and downstream crusher activities
      • Minimize delays and downtime at the crusher as a result of improperly-fragmented material
      • Provide supervisors and management with visibility into drilling progress and pattern accuracy
  • ProVision Machine Guidance system for dozers

    Maintain correct elevation while minimizing stake and survey efforts

    • Achieve and maintain the correct grade for ramps and roads while minimizing wait time for survey activities
      • Minimize elevation inaccuracies and resulting rework with intuitive, real-time elevation control visuals
      • Minimize the need for surveying or boundary staking through intuitive material delineation visuals
  • MineCare Maintenance Management system

    Leverage conditional component monitoring to:

    • Establish user-defined alarms and custom parameters to monitor conditions beyond OEM sensor standards
    • Monitor trends to identify potentially problematic component issues early, scheduling repair or replacement as needed and minimizing the likelihood of a catastrophic failure
  • Argus Payload Management System

    Maximize payload performance to improve shovel efficiency.

    Maximizing payload performance ensures the minimal amount of equipment and cost is required to meet production targets, Argus provides real-time feedback to the operator to assist in:

    • Maximizing payload compliance (100-109%)
    • Preventing overloads which can cause unplanned maintenance to haul trucks.
    • Digging to mine plan design to reduce re-work or over and under digging
  • Pegasys Dragline Monitoring System

    Achieve the correct bench and ramp heights the first time and reduce re-handling.

    Leverage the Digital Terrain Mapping (DTM) module to help reduce costly ‘dig to plan’ errors and improve dragline output.

    • Ensure ramps are the correct with, grade and cross grade.
    • Enable dragline operators to achieve the correct spoil-toe the first time.
    • Improve your operator efficiency and performance while maximizing production outcomes.
    • Digging to mine plan design to reduce re-work or over and under digging.


Sustain Your Value: The Big Picture

Leverage the full Modular Mining solutions portfolio to truly maximize your value, sustain your improvements, and grow over time. Each system and service builds upon another, providing more value and process improvements than you can derive from just a singular technology.

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