Maximize Your Mining Efficiency

Low MTBF, high MTTR, excessive unplanned maintenance, and unnecessary tire damage can all impact your mining efficiency and threaten your equipment uptime.

As an OEM-agnostic mining technology company, and with the widest range of equipment interfaces in the industry, Modular Mining provides the technology you need to collect the right data from your machines, at the right time, to drive mining efficiency and equipment productivity.

Increase MTBF

Extend the life of your components

Reduce MTTR

Increase labor utilization and prolong maintenance intervals

Minimize Unscheduled Maintenance

Eliminate unplanned stoppages

Improve Tire Life

Reduce tire damage and associated maintenance

Increase MTBF

Extend Equipment Component Life


Increase in MTBF

System Used: MineCare Maintenance Management

Region: Australia

Commodity: Coal

Mining Challenge

If your maintenance team doesn’t know the root cause for a component’s failure, the issue is likely to return. And if your maintenance approach revolves around interval-based changeouts, rather than condition-based monitoring, you might be performing unnecessary maintenance or missing opportunities to extend your component life beyond OEM specifications.

Operator misuse, whether intentional or not, can also impact your equipment uptime by placing unnecessary wear on components. Truck overloading, for example, can damage your haul truck frames, suspension, brakes, and tires. And when your haul truck operators reverse to the bench toe for loading at the shovel, your tires become more prone to damage and chunking.

How We Solve It

  • MineCare Maintenance Management System

    Monitor real-time component condition to identify early issues and minimize recurring failures

    • Identify root causes of component issues to minimize recurring failures
    • Monitor components based on condition, rather than operating hours, to identify potential failures earlier on the PF curve
    • Establish user-defined alarms and collections to monitor anomalies and other conditions outside what the OEM will automatically provide
  • DISPATCH Fleet Management System

    Improve operator practices to eliminate misuse

    • Improve operator practice to reduce equipment misuse, such as truck overloading, to extend the longevity of your suspension, brakes, frame, tires, and more
    • Encourage operators to visually inspect critical components before beginning any tasks via the PreStart Checklist
      • Failed prestat items are converted to “defects” and immediately communicated to your maintenance department
        • Maintenance can then schedule repairs for next preventive maintenance cycle, or call equipment in immediate repair if criticality requires
    • Bridge the communication between your Maintenance and Operations departments
  • ProVision Guided Spotting system

    Improve loading practices to reduce component wear

    • Minimize strip chunking as results of haul trucks reversing to bench toe for loading placement indicator
    • Minimize truck-shovel impacts
  • Argus Payload Management System

    Help improve payload compliance and reduce premature component failure.

    Overloading a bucket or truck can increase the frequency of structural and mechanical failures. Argus reduces this by:

    • Providing real-time bucket payload information to the operator in real-time.
    • Visualizing truck capacity using RFID tags
    • Configurable events/alarms and escalation using Boolean logic
    • Strain gauges and sensors for stress detection, logging and reporting


Reduce MTTR

Increase Labor Utilization and Maintenance Intervals


Reduction in Truck Idle Time

See Case Study


Region: Russia

Commodity: Diamond

Mining Challenge

When one of your equipment units goes down unexpectedly, your maintenance costs can soar, largely as a result of inefficient labor utilization. Without telemetry data to troubleshoot the root cause of the component’s failure, your maintenance team spends valuable and unnecessary time attempting to diagnose the issue.

Time spent idling counts towards your equipment’s hours in operation. If your team approaches maintenance on an hours-in-use basis, rather than component condition, these idle hours contribute to unnecessary maintenance.

How We Solve It

  • DISPATCH Fleet Management System

    Reduce idle time to minimize unnecessary maintenance

    • Reduce idle time with the IdleMonitor Module
    • Improve real-time communications via FastFeedback (bridge gap between maintenance and operations)
    • Address defects, which often result in recurring component failures, with the PreStart Checklist and Defects modules
  • MineCare Maintenance Management system

    Quickly identify root cause of failure to maximize labor utilization

    • Condition-based monitoring and user-defined alarms to identify failing components early
    • Improve tool-time for Technicians
      • Inspect equipment and troubleshoot issues remotely
      • Provide technicians with insights & information needed to solve problems quickly, before going into the field
      • Better determine whether or not a truck needs to be shut down
      • Reduce travel time across operation
      • Automate troubleshooting to reduce repair time and standardize response

Minimize Unscheduled Maintenance

Eliminate Unplanned Stoppages


Reduction in Unscheduled Maintenance

System Used: MineCare Maintenance Management

Region: Australia

Commodity: Coal

Mining Challenge

Unscheduled maintenance can cost 3-10 times the amount of money as scheduled maintenance. Asset failure can complicate many downstream activities, often resulting in haul road closures, equipment in delay, and reactive resource reassignments.

Equipment stoppages and the unscheduled maintenance that follows can be a result of component defects, operator misuse, or vehicle-to-vehicle collisions resulting from low-speed interactions in congested areas.

How We Solve It

  • MineCare Maintenance Management System

    Monitor component conditions to identify failures earlier on the P-F scale

    • Transition to a proactive maintenance approach by monitoring component condition, rather than hours in operation
      • Schedule maintenance based on condition severity
      • Focus on conditions surrounding unexpected component defects
    • Establish custom, user-defined alarms to monitor parameters beyond the OEM response
      • Identify potential component issues earlier than typical “functional failure” alerts
    • Identify the root cause of failures to prevent their recurrence
  • DISPATCH Fleet Management System

    Minimize equipment stoppages resulting from inclement weather or operator misuse

    • Encourage operators to visually inspect critical components before beginning any tasks via the PreStart Checklist
      • Failed prestat items are converted to “defects” and immediately communicated to your maintenance department
        • Maintenance can then schedule repairs for next preventive maintenance cycle, or call equipment in immediate repair if criticality requires
    • Dynamically assign and reassign units to counteract weather constraints
      • Add haulage units to the circuit to compensate for slowed trucks on icy ramps and roads
      • Redirect units to safer routes
    • Minimize operator misuse with automated, real-time communications that transmit directly to operators upon offending actions
      • Identify truck overloading, equipment overspeeding, and other conditions that cause unnecessary wear
    • Minimize equipment stoppages and unplanned maintenance resulting from tire chunking by reporting rock spillage on haulage roads
      • Automatically assign auxiliary crew to clean up spillage and quickly resolve issue
  • Argus Payload Management System

    Reduce tire damage and associated maintenance through payload compliance.

    Loading within a target range, minimizing overloads and underloads will help operations maintain tire life as they go under less abuse through speed and heat.

Improve Tire Life

Reduce tire damage and associated maintenance


Increase in Operational Truck Hours as a Result of Improved Tire Management

System Used: Dispatch FMS and MineCare Maintenance Management

Region: Brazil

Commodity: Gold and Silver

Mining Challenge

Tire damage is likely a common failure mode at your mine, and often results in unnecessary equipment downtime. Tire chunking will primarily occur as a result of truck operators’ reversing to the bench toe as an indication of correct loading placement, or as a result of rock spillage on your haul roads.

Tire delamination often results from excessive tire heat, contributing to additional tire failures. Rough roads and truck overloading can also add unnecessary stress to tires, often causing their premature failure and impacting your mining efficiency.

How We Solve It

  • DISPATCH Fleet Management System

    Reassign trucks based on TKPH thresholds and enable faster rock spillage cleanup

    • Provide operators with the opportunity to report rock spillage on haulage roads via the Tire Management module (optional module)
      • The Aux task module enables dispatchers to immediately assign cleanup tasks to support crews for faster remediation
      • The onboard suspension interface logs instances that the tire experiences rough roads
    • Active Tire Management (optional module)interfaces with tire monitoring systems to mitigate premature tire failure
      • Assign trucks to shorter routes or directly to the tire shop when TKPH reaches thresholds
    • Reduce unnecessary tire wear as a result of speeding with the Speed Management module (optional module)
  • ProVision Guided Spotting system

    Eliminate the need to reverse to bench toe by actively guiding operators to the correct load spot

    • Automatically guide truck operators to the correct loading position, eliminating the need to reverse all the way to the face
      • Intuitive visual displays actively guide operators, in real time, as they reverse toward the shovel
    • Remove the guess-work for shovel operators as to where the center of the truck bed is located, ensuring more evenly-placed loads
  • MineCare Maintenance Management system

    Identify adverse road conditions via user-defined alarms

    • Identify deteriorating road conditions by establishing user-defined alarms that automatically map to locations in the pit
    • Track alarm locations on the Incoming Notification map view or through “live” reporting to identify problematic road areas

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