Optimize your mining activities
Inefficient material recovery, changes to your short-term plan, operating at night and in inclement weather, and excessive operator rework needs can all put your mine execution plan at risk of being completed accurately.
Leverage the IntelliMine technologies and support services to improve both the communication around your short-term plan and execution to it.
Increase your material recovery
Minimize misdirected loads and increase yield
Increase in low-grade coal yield
Region: Australia
Commodity: Coal
Mining Challenge
When ore is mistakenly sent to waste piles, and waste to stock piles or crushers, your ability to execute your plan and extract the right material becomes far more difficult.
Failure to meet your mill or customer’s grade requirements is also a risk if you don’t have the right blending processes in place. Improper material fragmentation further complicates this and increases your likelihood of misdirected loads.
How We Solve It
DISPATCH Fleet Management System
Move the right tonnes by automating blending at crushers and stockpiles
- Execute your quality plan by automating material blending
- Improve your mining materials handling through continuous blending by component or category, or batch blending by component
- Update, in real time, the balance of inventories in a load-by-load occurrence
- Each time a truck finishes its load cycle, the configured inventory for the blast location is updated
- Each time a truck is unloaded, the configured inventory is updated by adding the amount of material dumped, considering the weighted average grade of the dump location when applicable
- Import data from third-party applications directly into the DISPATCH system to create new records (such as for locations and grades) or update existing records (such as elemental values)
- Execute your quality plan by automating material blending
ProVision Machine Guidance system for loading equipment
Increase your ore recovery and minimize misdirected loads
- Easily identify “dirty” loads
- Increase ore recovery
- Improve material blending with precise blend calculations
- Delineate materials with intuitive visuals and track all material types being engaged
- Leverage the capabilities provided by the Bucket Position System to:
- Identify fine-grained block grade for each bucket
- Update the blend “on the fly” to optimize destination assignments and ensure that you meet your blend without exceeding it
ProVision Machine Guidance system for drill
Improve fragmentation to increase material recovery
- Increase material recovery by improving fragmentation efficiency with the Stratification module
- Analyze material strata and energy from drill holes on one bench to refine drilling process in next bench
- Achieve more efficient crushing and more accurate material blending
- Increase material recovery by improving fragmentation efficiency with the Stratification module
Easily adapt to short-term plan changes
Communicate changes about your mine operations plan in real time
Region: Russia
Commodity: Diamond
Mining Challenge
Lacking visibility into previous activity completions can delay the execution of your current operational demands. For example, if you’re unsure whether a shovel has finished clearing a specific area from yesterday’s mine plan, you can’t move forward with today’s plan.
As operational objectives, pit dynamics, and material movement requirements change, it can be difficult to quickly move your assets to adapt to your new plan. And despite your best efforts, your site’s maintenance plan will also change daily, as competing priorities, equipment availability, and operational requirements change.
How We Solve It
DISPATCH Fleet Management System
Minimize delays and queueing by quickly re-routing equipment as necessary
- Dynamically assign appropriate haulage units to loading units and dump locations per inputted requirements or pit configurations
- Assign shovels to a new location with higher-grade material to compensate for commodity price drops
- “Unlock” your equipment assignments to equalize night- and day-time performance
ProVision Machine Guidance system for loading equipment
Improve the communication and visibility of your shovel progress
- Improve communication of your material movement plan with real-time messaging and alerts
- Share design plans between your office and mobile applications
- Transfer data to a mine-planning package to determine dig advance and update the mine model
- Improve visibility of shovel progress through progress line visualizations, comprehensive KPIs, and central reporting
ProVision Machine Guidance system for drills
Communicate updates to drill patterns directly to operators
- Increase your team’s efficiency in executing your drill plan by remotely sending your files directly to each drill
- Drill operators can then select the correct pattern based on location
- If your plan changes, you can easily update and re-send the revised design directly to your operators
- Eliminate the need for field surveyors, who can now move into more value-adding activities like stock pile analysis
- Increase your team’s efficiency in executing your drill plan by remotely sending your files directly to each drill
MineCare Maintenance Management system
Refine your maintenance approach to minimize upset events
- Improve your management of upset events by providing instant visibility of equipment status changes to key stakeholders
- Reduce delays in your maintenance plan by identifying when and where upset events occur.
- Optimizes your maintenance activities, from troubleshooting to diagnosis, to providing recommendations, and validating the repair’s success
- Further refine your maintenance plan and practices by adding specific troubleshooting details to the user fields within the event notification
- Outline proven procedures or OEM recommendations to improve your field technicians’ efficiency
Optimize your operations at night and in inclement weather
Execute your plan regardless of environmental condition
Region: North America
Commodity: Coal
Mining Challenge
Inclement weather can threaten your ability to achieve your mine plan. Icy ramps and roads, excess water, and low visibility due to dust, rain, snow, or fog can slow your cycles significantly.
Operating at night also commonly makes it difficult to execute your mine plan. In addition to reduced visibility and drill operator disorientation, inexperienced operators and dispatchers can severely limit your ability to achieve your plan at night.
How We Solve It
DISPATCH Fleet Management System
Dynamically assign equipment throughout all shifts to optimize production
- Enable the assignment of haul trucks to different routes if adverse weather conditions render specific ramps or roads too dangerous to maneuver safely
- Assign additional trucks to your haul cycle if speeds are slowed significantly as a result of inclement weather
- “Unlock” your equipment assignments to equalize night- and day-time performance
ProVision Machine Guidance system for drills
Eliminate drill operator disorientation when working at night
- Eliminate operator disorientation at night with high-precision guidance to each hole
- Eliminate your drill operators’ reliance on flags when moving between holes, which becomes especially difficult at night or in otherwise low visibility
ProVision Guided Spotting system
Improve your loading efficiency in poor visibility
- Improve truck spotting accuracy, especially in limited visibility
- Eliminate reliance on hanging bucket, flag, ball, or other visual indicators, which are often difficult to see in harsh weather or at night
- Eliminate visibility issues associated with camera-based systems, which are often useless in inclement weather (the Guided Spotting system does not rely on cameras)
- Improve truck spotting accuracy, especially in limited visibility
ProVision Machine Guidance system for dozers
Increase water drainage and improve operator accuracy in any condition
- Improve grade control to increase water drainage around loading units by implementing a small slope on the bench
- Take the guesswork out of ore or edge of coal identification, especially when operating at night, to minimize rework
- Improve ramp elevation accuracy and evenness to improve truck mobility in inclement weather
Minimize your operator rework
Execute your plan the first time
System Used: ProVision Machine Guidance system for loading equipment
Region: South America
Commodity: Coal
Mining Challenge
Operator inaccuracy often leads to significant rework, which isn’t part of your mine plan. If your shovel operators have difficulty maintaining even benches due to lacking visibility of their own elevation and pitch, uneven benches often result. Your dozer operators will then likely have to go back and correct these shovel errors.
Improper fragmentation often results in the need for re-drilling, and can cause several downstream problems, including delays at your crushers and unnecessary wear to your haul trucks. Additional threats to your mine plan execution accrue with haul truck inefficiency when reversing for loading.
How We Solve It
ProVision Machine Guidance system for loading equipment
Improve your operators' elevation accuracy the first time
- Achieve accurate elevation in your benches and ramps with the on-board design surface visuals and intuitive high-precision elevation control
- Virtually eliminate rework from undercutting or overcutting by providing shovel operators with an increased ability to remain on grade as they dig into the face
- Maintain a flat pit floor by visually displaying current floor elevation relative to target elevation
- Achieve accurate elevation in your benches and ramps with the on-board design surface visuals and intuitive high-precision elevation control
ProVision Machine Guidance system for drills
Improve your blast yield efficiency to minimize re-drilling requirements
- Improve your material fragmentation to:
- Gain a better understanding of your native geology to adjust your blast pattern for maximum explosives efficiency
- Improve digability at the face for your shovels
- Reduce issues at your crusher and mills
- Reduce re-drilling requirements and increase your ability to execute your blast plan
- Help your operators get on and off patterns faster and eliminate delays due to your survey team’s pattern staking needs
- Feed drill pattern and blast result data back to your mine planning software to update your short-term plan faster
- Improve your material fragmentation to:
ProVision Machine Guidance system for dozers
Increase your dozer efficiency and minimize operator rework
- Minimize dozer re-work and achieve precise bench grade control by indicating the exact work expected of your operator
- Improve your plan execution with a calibrated height gauge, which shows the precise blade adjustment necessary to achieve your plan
- Gain visibility into your dozer’s real-time production and progress
ProVision Guided Spotting system
Minimize truck re-spotting events to improve your load cycle efficiency
- Minimize truck re-spotting events
- Precisely guide haul truck operators to the correct load spot on their first attempt
- Increase your shovel operators’ ability to center-load material to prevent downstream delays resulting from rock spillage and increased wear to your haul truck components
- Minimize truck re-spotting events
Sustain Your Value: The Big Picture
Leverage the full Modular Mining solutions portfolio to truly maximize your value, sustain your improvements, and grow over time. Each system and service builds upon another, providing more value and process improvements than you can derive from just a singular technology.
Without Modular Mining Solutions
With Deployment Services
With Customer Care Package
With Value-add Services