Reduce your cost per tonne

Inefficient equipment and poor management of tires and consumables, as well as unplanned maintenance and poor road conditions will all increase your mining costs per tonne unnecessarily.

Whether you seek to move more material with your current fleet, or maintain current production while reducing your fleet size, our mining optimization technology and support team of operations experts will work with you to help you hit your targets at a lower cost.

Improve your Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

Increase your equipment utilization and availability

Improve your tire and consumables management

Reduce unnecessary waste

Increase your planned preventive maintenance

Minimize upset events

Minimize impacts of poor road conditions

Improve your mining equipment performance

Improve your OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)

Increase your equipment utilization and availability


Average increase in material movement


Region: Australia

Commodity: Coal

Mining Challenge

Manual equipment assignments can cause significant queueing and backups at your mine, which impacts your equipment’s utilization, availability, and overall effectiveness.

Mechanical issues, poor fragmentation, operator misuse (intentional or otherwise), and frequent rework can also affect your OEE and increase your costs per tonne.

How We Solve It

  • DISPATCH Fleet Management System

    Increase the utilization of your available equipment through route optimization

    • Move more material with the DISPATCH system’s optimization algorithms and dynamic equipment assignments
      • Direct trucks to the fastest routes, with optimized assignments to loading equipment and dumps/crushers
      • Direct trucks to your neediest shovels
  • MineCare Maintenance Management system

    Monitor component condition to ensure your equipment performs to design

    • Maximize equipment availability and ensure your assets perform to design
      • Collect data from your equipment in real time, then analyze that data to drive informed actions
      • Detect potential component issues early to prevent failure or schedule replacement
  • ProVision Guided Spotting system

    Minimize truck re-spotting and shovel hang time

    • Improve the OEE of your trucks and shovels by precisely navigating haul truck operators to the correct load position, the first time
    • Dramatically reduce truck re-spotting
    • Equalize your operators’ performance, enabling your least-experienced truck operators to perform at the same level as your most-experienced
    • Facilitate more centered loads for your shovel operators
    • Leverage high precision data from your haul truck fleet to further optimize hauls, dumps & operator performance
  • ProVision Machine Guidance system for drills

    Improve operator accuracy and minimize re-drilling requirements

    • Eliminate oversized material, tough toe, and poor digging conditions
    • Improve your material fragmentation with the Stratification module to reduce truck queue times at shovels and stoppages at the crusher
      • Improve your shovels’ digability at the face with increased fragmentation accuracy
    • Improve your compliance to your drill pattern plan to minimize the need for re-drilling
    • Improve your depth accuracy to minimize the impacts of under-drilled holes
  • ProVision Machine Guidance system for loading equipment

    Improve elevation accuracy and minimize subsequent dozer rework

    • Achieve accurate bench elevation with intuitive real-time elevation controls
    • Minimize misdirected loads by leveraging clear material delineation visuals, transmitted to operators in real time
    • Visually identify previous and current shovel progress with real-time progress line updates
  • ProVision Machine Guidance system for dozers

    Improve ramp and road elevation and minimize survey and stake activities

    • Achieve accurate elevation in roads and ramps with intuitive real-time elevation controls
    • Minimize rework and survey time
    • Operate the machine at the maximum capability by designing proper production push plans
  • Argus Payload Management System

    Help improve operator accuracy and establish best operator practice with Argus, which is designed to:

    • Reduce over and under loading with real-time payload information displayed to the operator in real-time.
    • Reduce cycle and load times with operator benchmarking, in-seat coaching and KPIs.
    • Improve machine reliability by reducing machine stress.
    • Automatically switch between production, positioning and idle statuses in real-time for off-board reporting.
  • Pegasys Dragline Monitoring System

    Help improve operator accuracy and establish best operator practice with Pegasys, which is designed to:

    • Reduce over and under digging with real-time mine plan information displayed to the operator in real-time.
    • Improve machine reliability by reducing machine stress.
    • Automatically switch between production, positioning and idle statuses in real-time for off-board reporting.

Improve your tire and consumables management

Reduce unnecessary waste


Saved per year in explosives costs

System Used: ProVision Machine Guidance for drills

Region: South America

Commodity: Iron

Mining Challenge

Under-reporting of such consumables as fuel, tires, and explosives can make consumables management difficult and increase your cost per tonne unnecessarily.

When your haul truck operators reverse to the bench toe for a spotting placement indicator, or encounter rock spillage on haulage roads, the likelihood for tire chunking increases.

Fuel also contributes significantly to your mining costs. If dispatchers assign trucks to the fuel bay prematurely, your operational costs rise, and your productivity suffers due to increased unproductive travel time and unnecessary time at the fuel bay.

Explosives waste and improper fragmentation due to poor compliance to your drill pattern can also contribute to a higher cost per tonne.

How We Solve It

  • DISPATCH Fleet Management System

    Improve overall tire management, reduce idle time, and maximize fuel consumption

    • Rely on the DISPATCH system’s real-time communication, monitoring, and route optimization capabilities to:
      • Minimize tire chunking and improve overall tire management
      • Monitor fuel consumption and automatically assign equipment to fuel bays based on site-configured thresholds, resulting in fewer unproductive trips to and from the fuel bay
      • Reduce engine idle time by improving shift change processes
      • Minimize unnecessary wear to tires as a result of truck overloading with the optional Payload module
  • ProVision Guided Spotting system

    Minimize tire damage as a result of truck reversal to the bench toe

    • Automatically guide truck operators to the correct loading position, eliminating the need to reverse all the way to the face
      • Intuitive visual displays actively guide operators, in real time, as they reverse toward the shovel
    • Remove the guess-work for shovel operators as to where the center of the truck bed is located, ensuring more evenly-placed loads
  • ProVision Machine Guidance system for drills

    Reduce explosives costs by identifying material strata and improve fragmentation for reduced tire and component stress

    • Use the Stratification Module  to reduce your explosives costs through a better understanding of material strata and identification of underground voids or water
    • Help minimize wear to haul truck tires and brakes by ensuring the loading of correctly-fragmented material and not overloading trucks with too-large material
  • MineCare Maintenance Management system

    Minimize wear to tires as a result of early identification of poor road conditions

    • Establish user-defined alarms and data collection parameters to enable early identification of potential problems that impact fuel, oils, and tires, among other consumables
    • Tag alarms details to indicate the GPS location in which they occur to generate heat maps that can identify problematic roads or other concerns within your operation
  • Argus Payload Management System

    Minimize tire wear and damage as a result of inconsistent truck payload compliance

    • Provide loading equipment operators with bucket-by-bucket payload information, in real-time, to:
      • Reduce major overloads which can result in early damage to haul truck tires.
      • Reduce major overloads which can result in spillage on haul roads.
      • Reduce under loads which cause haul trucks to take more trips than required.

Increase your planned preventive maintenance

Minimize upset events


Annual savings in avoided maintenance costs

See Case Study

System Used: MineCare Maintenance Management

Region: Australia

Commodity: Iron ore

Mining Challenge

Reactive or unplanned maintenance can cost 3-10 times more than planned preventive maintenance, due largely to inefficient labor. When equipment goes down with little or no supporting data, your maintenance team loses valuable tool time as a result of increased travel time, diagnostic efforts, and resource coordination.

Poorly-fragmented material can also cause delays at your shovels, crushers, and mills, and contribute unnecessary wear to your equipment components.

Vehicle collisions can also result in equipment shutdowns, even if they do not cause injury or fatality.

How We Solve It

  • MineCare Maintenance Management system

    Minimize unplanned maintenance and maximize labor utilization

    • Manage components by condition, rather than hours in operation, to adopt a more predictive maintenance plan for your equipment
      • Establish user-defined alarms to monitor parameters outside of typical OEM standards
      • Dramatically increase your ratio of planned-to-unplanned maintenance and reduce unforeseen stoppages.
  • ProVision Machine Guidance system for drills

    Improve fragmentation to reduce stoppages at your crusher and mills

    • Improve fragmentation with advanced drillhole guidance and stratification module
      • Analyze material strata and required energy from drillholes in one bench to update drill plan for subsequent benches
      • Minimize unplanned maintenance resulting from unnecessary wear and stress to truck frames, brakes, and tires
      • Minimize unplanned maintenance resulting from unnecessary stress to your shovels’ ropes, cables, and bucket teeth
  • Pegasys Dragline Monitoring System

    Minimize unplanned maintenance caused by operator abuse to equipment.

    • Real-time stress/duty is calculated for every cycle.
      • Stress feedback can be a leading indicator of structural fatigue.

Minimize impacts of poor road conditions

Improve your mining equipment performance


Improvement in bench elevation accuracy

See Case Study

System Used: ProVision Machine Guidance for loading equipment

Region: South America

Commodity: Coal

Mining Challenge

Poor road conditions negatively impact your mining optimization by slowing your haul trucks and other mining equipment. In addition to the increased cost resulting from this extended cycle time, road roughness can increase maintenance costs due to unnecessary wear to your haulage fleet components.

Uneven travel surfaces are often a result of poor blasting processes, (which results in an uneven pit floor), bench and road elevation inconsistencies (created as a result of operator inaccuracy), and rock spillage onto haulage roads.

How We Solve It

  • ProVision Machine Guidance system for loading equipment

    Improve your bench elevation accuracy

    • Improve your mining equipment’s elevation accuracy on roads, benches, and ramps and pit floor
      • Improve your operators’ accuracy and compliance to plan through elevation control
      • Minimize rework and survey delays
      • Maintain target elevation with real-time ore boundary/progress line updates.
  • ProVision Machine Guidance system for drills

    Achieve a more level pit floor by improving blasting processes and drilling accuracy

    • Provide your drill operators with precise guidance related to the target depth and angle of your drill holes
    • Improve fragmentation to minimize rock spillage on haul roads
  • DISPATCH Fleet Management System

    Track real-time instances of tires experiencing rough roads

    • Provide operators with the opportunity to report rock spillage on haulage roads via the Tire Management module (optional module)
      • Automatically log instances in which tires experience rough roads via the on-board suspension interface
      • Enable cleanup task assignments for faster remediation via the he Auxiliary Task module
  • MineCare Maintenance Management system

    Monitor your loading fleet's components to identify and address potential component issues early

    • Monitor the condition of your haulage fleet’s struts, tires, and payload to address potential component issues before they become costly failures
    • Establish user-defined alarms and data collection parameters to enable early identification of potential problems that impact fuel, oils, and tires, among other consumables
      • Tag alarm details to indicate the GPS location in which they occur to generate heat maps that can identify problematic roads or other concerns within your operation

Sustain Your Value: The Big Picture

Leverage the full Modular Mining solutions portfolio to truly maximize your value, sustain your improvements, and grow over time. Each system and service builds upon another, providing more value and process improvements than you can derive from just a singular technology.

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With Deployment Services

With Customer Care Package

With Value-add Services